After Action Report

Saguaro Lake

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Roostertales Bass Club had it’s 4th tournament of the year at Saguaro Lake on Saturday April 7th. Lake temperatures ranged from 66 to 70 degrees. First place went to the husband / wife team of Redding and Redding with 19.83# and big fish of 4.73#. Second place was the team of Stewart and Zahn with 18.73# and big fish of 5.26#. Third went to Weisshaar and Krisher with 14.88# and big fish of 4.07#. The two other big fish of the tournament were 5.48# (Allen and Allen) and 5.27# (Wilson and Haley). Fish were in all three stages. Most bags were caught relatively shallow with drop shot, senkos and Carolina rig. There was a reaction bite in the afternoon after the wind started.

Our next tournament is on Roosevelt lake on Saturday May 12th. Our meeting before the tourney is on Monday May 7th at Sportsmans Warehouse on Greenfield in Mesa at 6.30pm. Come join us if you would like to check out our club.

Our OPEN tournament for all fishermen is on June 23rd at Bartlett Lake. This is a late afternoon / night tournament with many payouts and raffle prizes. Check our our website at as more information will be posted here.