After Action Report

Roosevelt Lake

Sunday, August 14, 2011

We fished from 4am to 1pm to avoid the heat that you see this time of the year.  The day started off with a lot of lightning and some rain. It cleared up about 10am and we had sun. The fishing was pretty good for some and so-so for others. The end of the years’ results are taking shape with most of the position still up for grabs. 

We also voted on moving this years annual Christmas party from Apache Lake to Saguaro Lake with dinner and awards being in Mesa. More information coming soon.

After Action Report

Willow Springs

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Willow Springs proved to be a challenge on a lot of levels. First the fishing was pretty tough and the only thing that made the trip worth it was the weather and being on such a beautiful lake. Then the sky turned gray and it started to rain. The rain stopped for about 5 minutes and then it started again and boy did it come down. Slowed down again and we thought it was over until it started to downpour and then it turned to pea-sized hail. We all must have said screw it and started heading to the ramp at the same time, because when we got the boat turned around, all I saw was the whole club trying to get to the ramp as fast as possible.

Of course when we got to the ramp everyone in our club and all the others that were on the lake were trying to get off the water so the ramp was a mess.

All and all we all had a good time and it gave us something to remember it by.

Thank you to all of you that made the trip up to fish with us.

After Action Report

Memorial Open Bartlett Lake

Monday, June 13, 2011

I would like to thank everyone that came out to the open. We had 21 boats and the fishing was very close. Everyone caught lots of fish but, most of the fish were less than 10 inches. If you had some 2 lb fish you where doing good. On behalf of the Roostertales Bass Club, I would like to thank everyone that came out to fish our open.

Thank you all!

1st – John Dille and Tom Hunt – 10.90 lbs – $815.00
2nd – Jeff Alan and Rickey Minor – 10.78 – $605.00
3rd – Jim Davis Sr. and Jim Davis Jr. – 10.77 – $460.00
4th – Milt Sommerfield and Ed Ricci – 9.94 – $220.00
5th – James Tucker and Steve Miller – 9.90
6th – Charles Bothun and Ron Smith – 9.79
7th – Phil Brewer and Wade Wheat – 9.64
8th – Kelly Brooks and John Williams – 9.62
9th – Chad Huddle and John Daniels – 9.42
10th – Mitch Ross and Joe Meyers – 9.28
11th – Terry Schilling and Jerrell Thomas – 9.14
12th – Jay Redding and Michelle Griffith – 9.12
13th – Marty Halsey and Athena Hammond – 8.87
14th – Steve Weir and Gary Redding – 7.65
15th – Kerry Budinger and Keith Marshall – 7.51
16th – Jason Blauvelt – 7.41
17th – Bob Preble and Brett Jokela – 7.14
18th – Mark Dornbusch and Chase White – 7.14
19th – Joey Swann and Rusty Swann – 6.55
20th – Dustin Howell and Darrell Howell – 4.55
21st – Jimmy Savoini and Tim Jacobs – 7.04

1st Big Fish Jay Redding and Michelle Griffith – 4.04 – $324.00
2nd Big Fish Terry Schilling and Jerrell Thomas – 3.65 – $216.00 

After Action Report

San Carlos Lake

Sunday, May 15, 2011

We fished at San Carlos lake this weekend May 14, 2011. The lake was down over where we seen it last year but still good size.  Fishing ending up being pretty tough with no one bringing 5 fish to the scales but we saw some really good size fish come in.

Marshall and Budinger won the tournament with 16.47 lbs supported by a 7 lbs and 5 lbs fish.  They said they got them mostly on jigs.

Second place was secured by Bothun and Smith with 1 fish weighing in at 7.96 lbs

Third places was won by Brooks and Williams with 3 fish weighing in at 7.47 lbs

Our next tournament is our open at Bartlett Lake.  Come out and fish with us on June 11th, 2011 from 6pm till 6am Sunday